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Only Choose if you have already called, Text or ordered from a website for pick up or to go orders from the restaurant or store you have choosen. You may add additionl detail so we can double check they have your order correct.


 You can pay using our cash app link provided on this page, Cash Tag ID: $MySuperDelivery or Leave a note in the driver notes section in the booking page and include your cash tag ID. You can also book your orders directly from your favorite place and pay them separately from our delivery platform. 

All delivery rates - $10

during your delivery service you should receive automated Email  notifications and updates on the status of you order which includes your booking confirmation, driver accpeted, driver pick up and the completion of your order which may include your signature or a pic of the front of your home. Please take notes that if you wish to reciece contactless delivery to make this note  What items would you like for us to pick up & deliver to you today?

Click hear to Make A Payment $MySuperDeliery 

Pre orders and deliveries are also welcome.

Fret order for  your favorite restaurant or storen uso g their Mobile App. Tkachuk you'll need to provide us with the order confirmation information as followed below.

Mcdonald's - Drive Trough We Need  The APP Pin
Starbucks - We Need Your Name
Subway- WE Need Your Name
Dennys - Name

Call In:
 We Need Your Name

Ente the Information I to our booking forms by clicking on button in color black above this box.




If you are a busy restaurant or vendor. please send me a message as we do website building and we also offer APi Intergrations.




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